...W & S for ?!!...(self-tagged by me, curik dr Ms. Aliza..)
Rules:Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name : Wan Adibah / Sulaiman Sidek
2. A four Letter Word : What / Shit
3. A boy's Name : Wafi / Shauqi
4. A girl's Name : Wardina / Safiah
5. An occupation : Womanizer/ Sailor
6. A color : White/ Silver
7. Something you'll wear : Wetsuit / Skirt
9. A food : Wendy's Fries / Shrimp Burger
10. Something found in the bathroom: Water / Sink
11. A place : Waterfront / Sungai Siput
12. A reason for being late : Wrong turn / Sulaiman (Tak kire!! Nih point penting!)
13. Something you'd shout : Woii / Syg
14. A movie title : Winter Sonata / She's All That
15. Something you drink : Whatever / Soya Bean (X tipu, mmg ada air tin name Whatever!)
16. A musical group : Wonders / Spoon
17. An animal : Whale / Spider
18. A street name : Wirawan / Setiabudi
19. A type of car : Wheel of Fortune / Suzuki (Hahaha, cannot think of any!)
20. The title of a song : Without You / She Will Be Loved
Mencabar jugak ok bendalah nih... (Rasa mcm bdk nk masuk peraduan yg tarikh tutup penyertaan dier dh dekat..pastu slogan tak buat lagi...pressure2..) Hihihi..
The orange cordial
2 months ago
1. What is your name : Sulaiman
2. A four Letter Word : Sayang Adiba
3. A boy's Name : Setia Muda Iskandar
4. A girl's Name : Seri Nur Melati
(xkire nk bagi nama 3 rangka jugaks)
5. An occupation : Supervisor
6. A color : Sepia
7. Something you'll wear : Stoking
9. A food : Sup Cendawan
10. Something found in the bathroom: Selipar Jepun Tat Seng
11. A place : Sentul Timur
12. A reason for being late : Selalu Lambat (buleh terima tak alasan neh?)
13. Something you'd shout : Saya Sayang Adiba!
14. A movie title : Star War
15. Something you drink : Sirap Limau
16. A musical group : Slipknot
17. An animal : Seladang
18. A street name : Sultan Ismail
19. A type of car : Satria GTI
20. The title of a song : Semua Tentang Kita - Peter Pan
p/s: reason for being late is sulaiman? mane ader lmbt. org lain yg sampai awal sgt. lalalala~
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