Sejak dari lahir, Atok yg jaga kami 7 beradik since emak n baba p keje..Nk amik org gaji time tu x mampu..Pendapatan sebulan pun x sampai rm600..Dulu hidup susah,maklumlah, ramai adik beradik..Seb baik ada Atok yg bnyk membantu..Atok punye masakan paling sedaps.. (kalah emak..hihihi).. Kdg2 terpikir dulu dia slalu jaga kite, urut kite, suap kite.. bile dia dh tua, dh x sihat..kita takde kt kampung nk jaga dia, to do d same as what she did for us... masing2 keje n blajar kt tempat lain.. Dlm hati, i wish i cud do more..jgn smpai satu hari kite terpk i wish i cud hav done more.. Hurm, anyway, i still owe her a new handbag for her to show off this coming hari raya ;)
Most sporting grandma aka. gossip mate =)
Zaza makhluk paling happy bile tahu yg diba x jadi balik tapah, since im obliged to accompany her kluar dgn Mr. Yusuf, his brother Anuar & his fren Shasha.. Yusuf is Zaza's fren's fren (means Zianne's fren) who is on his way back to Kenya, to meet his parents there. So Yusuf once studied in New Zealand, n now continue workin there (argghh, sungguh jeless)..While his bro , Anuar stil studying in USM, Nibong Tebal. They were all nice n frenly ppl.. Thank you for the lunch treat @ papa John..
Yusuf wanted to buy Nikon SLR D90..but due to urgency and time constraint, we advice him not to rush in buying d camera, he shud take ample time to decide, compare price between shops etc..So after 'consluting' him for a while, sampai Sasha,anuar n Zaza dh boring tunggu kitorg.. He decided to buy a compact,pocket-size camera dulu.. =)
Betul ke ape aku buat nih racun dia beli camera nih.. But my instinct is strong.. I like d camera so much..At least the brand i chose is Canon, initially Yusuf nk beli brand Fujifilm ok..Soooo not cool ;p (regardless of the functionalities etc, the name just a big no for me, bias..STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE)..Wuteva..hihihii..
While Yusuf & Anuar p check-in kt Kl Sentral, i n Zaza head up p klCC dulu..terus p mkn sushi.. Best japanese tofu curry dia.. Thanks Zaza sbb blanjer =)