Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Island Peak - ZDFE 2009

Thank you BNM!!

Who says central bankers are all 'square' and boring?? Think again.. We are sooo fortunate that the organization we are working somehow promotes "Work-Life Balance".. With the support from persatuan kakitangan, HR dept, our directors and especially our big boss, The Iron Lady..We made it..

I was given the opportunity to do some knowledge sharing with some of the most important people in the organization (..and probably in Malaysia and the world?) Fuhh, man i was nervous.. But i think i nailed it ;P Syukur sgt..

Me & The Iron Lady

So what exactly that we managed to conquer? Here's some hint...


A 6189m mountain nestle across the Himalayan Region, just around 10km away from the majestic Everest (8000m++).. A climb that i never imagine i can do it..

Here's another sneak preview...

200 meter almost vertical ice wall'

At the ridge

Limau @ The Island Peak?

To be continued... Soon.


citrus_medica said...

i'm proud of you!!

p/s: wahai dunia, ini adalah kekaseh hati saya :P

citrus_medica said...

syg, bank negara ader kije kosong tak?
jadi cleaner ker?
tukang bancuh kopi ker?

citrus_medica said...

update pasal night run please~

citrus_medica said...

limau will be on island peak at 2011!!

dBot+AdibA-waN said...

u lain pun becinte jgk okeh..ish

hehehe..bnm ada je kije kosong, but not for u.. (even in a zillion years..)

hehehe..takde gmbr lor time nite run tuh..jd marshal x sempat snap2..

insyaAllah, ada rezeki, u will be there..only if u dare ;P

Anonymous said...

julie nyampok : HR kat BNM ok tak..? hihi..

Anonymous said...

deeba, u shud put up the pic of u, u n me, n zol. ada kat fb k.

dBot+AdibA-waN said...

hahahah..HR kat BNM ok jer..tapi diorg mcm slalu balik lmbt je..workload bnyk kot..hehehe..

ok, will do..nnti i curi gmbr dlm FB u julie ;P

tunbegia said...

bnm, teringat haku tentang jutaria,

salamm, nice blog