Monday, June 01, 2009

31 May 2009 - Alkisah Safiah & Yusuf..

Sunday, 31 May 2009.. Before anythg, today is Birthday Atuk yg dicintai, Raja safiah Raja Abd Rahman...Umur atok aka. enda long (bonda sulong) suda mencecah 74 thn ini..Semoga dipanjangkn umur & dimurahkn rezeki...

Sejak dari lahir, Atok yg jaga kami 7 beradik since emak n baba p keje..Nk amik org gaji time tu x mampu..Pendapatan sebulan pun x sampai rm600..Dulu hidup susah,maklumlah, ramai adik beradik..Seb baik ada Atok yg bnyk membantu..Atok punye masakan paling sedaps.. (kalah emak..hihihi).. Kdg2 terpikir dulu dia slalu jaga kite, urut kite, suap kite.. bile dia dh tua, dh x sihat..kita takde kt kampung nk jaga dia, to do d same as what she did for us... masing2 keje n blajar kt tempat lain.. Dlm hati, i wish i cud do more..jgn smpai satu hari kite terpk i wish i cud hav done more.. Hurm, anyway, i still owe her a new handbag for her to show off this coming hari raya ;)

Most sporting grandma aka. gossip mate =)

Zaza makhluk paling happy bile tahu yg diba x jadi balik tapah, since im obliged to accompany her kluar dgn Mr. Yusuf, his brother Anuar & his fren Shasha.. Yusuf is Zaza's fren's fren (means Zianne's fren) who is on his way back to Kenya, to meet his parents there. So Yusuf once studied in New Zealand, n now continue workin there (argghh, sungguh jeless)..While his bro , Anuar stil studying in USM, Nibong Tebal. They were all nice n frenly ppl.. Thank you for the lunch treat @ papa John..

Yusuf wanted to buy Nikon SLR D90..but due to urgency and time constraint, we advice him not to rush in buying d camera, he shud take ample time to decide, compare price between shops etc..So after 'consluting' him for a while, sampai Sasha,anuar n Zaza dh boring tunggu kitorg.. He decided to buy a compact,pocket-size camera dulu.. =)

Let me do d talking.. hehehe.. (wat muka kesian supaya auntie tu bagi freebies bnyk2 sket..)

Sian auntie tuh kena buli amikkan gmbr kitorg.. Shes so nice..
Team Rocket!!!

Betul ke ape aku buat nih racun dia beli camera nih.. But my instinct is strong.. I like d camera so much..At least the brand i chose is Canon, initially Yusuf nk beli brand Fujifilm ok..Soooo not cool ;p (regardless of the functionalities etc, the name just a big no for me, bias..STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE)..Wuteva..hihihii..

The latest Black Nikon IXUS.. Compare to d previous model, smaller in size, yet bigger pixels.
Yg penting, ia adalah sgt sleek n cute n user frenly.. i loike.. n Yusuf likes it too..

Diversion - Dari dok usha camera besar gabak, end up beli camera kicik..

While Yusuf & Anuar p check-in kt Kl Sentral, i n Zaza head up p klCC dulu..terus p mkn sushi.. Best japanese tofu curry dia.. Thanks Zaza sbb blanjer =)

Zaza excited..hihihi

Then lps jln2 jap, the guys balik kl sentral balik n naik ERL p kLia.. Bye2 =)
Kitorg sambung minum kopi kt Coffee Been..Budak cine nih hyper-active, suka main2 bwk meja kitorg.. geram je tgk.. Cute.

Banana chocolate dah out of stock, so i ordered ice blended white chocolate satu..

Lepaks badaks..

Balik singgah Terminal Putra kejap, coz zaza nk beli tiket bas balik Aloq Setaq..While tggu dia, snap2 gmbr..N this is my best shot... I love this pix..
*Bygkan si bride pakai gaun tggu kt bus stand tuh (reflection from cermin kreta), while bride groom smart pakai tux with open arms 1) cross jalan dr kanan ke kiri nk p kt bride yg tgh tggu tadi.. or 2) bride groom tgh dtg dari arah blkg kreta, so nampak reflection dia dlm cermin kreta tuh.. geee, so sweet =)
** Amaran, kawin lari dilarang keras!
Ps- Wish L was here.. Miss L so much.. So much tht i dont know what to do about it.. I dont know.. I just want him here.. hmm..


citrus_medica said...

happy blated bday to atok~

wah, makin tua makin hemsem la atok neh (ayat amik hati)..

p/s: teringat kt embah.. mesti dia sunyi sorg2 kt rmh tu..

citrus_medica said...

itu kah en. expate yusof~
kagum lah blaja then smbg kije kt obersea..

ixus tu ker?
knp x beli olympus?
buleh bwk masuk laut (ader waranty wo~ kalu masuk air, mcm dba punye)..

p/s: saper nk beli d-80 2nd hand?

citrus_medica said...

zaza belanje mkn?
wah betul2 excited zaza neh..
rugi nyer xde time zaza belanje~

tofu kari tu nampak sedap!!

dBot+AdibA-waN said...

syg nk i visit embah ker? i boleh jer visit embah weekend nih sbb nk hntr Hanan kt rumah dia kt pandan indah ahad nih..

i dah promote dh olympus..tapi dia prefer yg sleek n compact camtuh.. (x semua org suka tgkp gmbr together2 dlm air mcm kite maa)

i nk beli.. pastu i hadiahkan balik kt u boleh??

mmg tofu kari tuh sedap ok..nyum2.. lapo la plak.. mkn jerla viatnamese curry u cicah roti.. take care dear..

citrus_medica said...

rindu kt en. L??
en. L maner ni??

Lingam A/L Karupan??
Lee Chan Keng??
Lim Ah Mau??

p/s: nk u kt sini jgk2, miss u so much~