Sunday, August 22, 2010


Introducing the latest member of Zulbaba family.. Suria Aqila.. Born today, 22 August 2010..Jam 2.49 ptg.. Berat 3.3kg.. Simply beautiful..
Alhamdulillah.. Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi.. We need u to be strong like ur mother.. n superstrong like your grandmother!! hihihi..

Aqiila's first toy... Suria Muzika..
Even ur cry is like music to us (for now..hehehe)

Doktor n nurses sumer ckp dia cergas, smart n cantik!

Cheeeeseee Aqiila.. U can call me Auntie D now... or else!
(Fumakila or killer or KikiLala!! hehehe..)
Nih actually curi2 masuk dlm Labor room..Seb baik nurse kat labor room tak strict sgt mcm nurse can maternity ward..Baby Aqiila blom mandi pun lg nih, fresh from tummy..

Monday, August 16, 2010

BNM Annual Dinner 2010

First time bwk suami ke Majlis Mkn Mlm BNM..

Tema kitorang white n baby blue ...

Limau holding the doorgift n prize.. an MP3 player (ipod shuffle cap ayam) and the Sheaffeur pen he won for guessing the Desperate Housewife theme song.. Laju jer dia lari atas pentas nk jawab kuiz tu..hihihi

Obviously, the ultimate reason aku dtg annual dinner nih..
ANUAR ZAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's so awesome, charming n handsome , gentleman, cute, itu, ini, blablabla =)
(cannot help la yang, such a die hard fan of him..huhuhu)

Thursday, May 06, 2010

MY WEDDING HAS COME~!!! And everybody is invited~!!

Dijemput semua yg mengenali diri ini ke majlis walimah saya =) Do call/text me at 012-2106953 if u have ANY queries.. Thanks~! Hope to see u on my Big Day..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Island Peak - ZDFE 2009

Thank you BNM!!

Who says central bankers are all 'square' and boring?? Think again.. We are sooo fortunate that the organization we are working somehow promotes "Work-Life Balance".. With the support from persatuan kakitangan, HR dept, our directors and especially our big boss, The Iron Lady..We made it..

I was given the opportunity to do some knowledge sharing with some of the most important people in the organization (..and probably in Malaysia and the world?) Fuhh, man i was nervous.. But i think i nailed it ;P Syukur sgt..

Me & The Iron Lady

So what exactly that we managed to conquer? Here's some hint...


A 6189m mountain nestle across the Himalayan Region, just around 10km away from the majestic Everest (8000m++).. A climb that i never imagine i can do it..

Here's another sneak preview...

200 meter almost vertical ice wall'

At the ridge

Limau @ The Island Peak?

To be continued... Soon.

Hari Jadi

How important is Hari Jadi to us? To some of my frens, it doesnt means a lot. Esp to guys.They feel like its just a normal day..Maybe some wishes from frens and families (which they dont really appreciate),is enough..Maybe to get something extra like gift or member blanje makan is a bonus. For me and my family, we have always celebrate birthdays. When we were small, birthday parties are sumthing awesome..We will invite frens n relatives to come our small party (hoping they will bring present yg best2..itulah niat sebenarnye..hihihi)..If not, even among family members pun, we will buy presents for each other..Let say my older sister is not around to celebrate my birthday, my mom will buy a present on behalf of my older sister (the person yg absent tu) and cakap "nih hadiah daripada wanatie (my older sister)..Hehehe..Its kinda funny.. And even untill now, all of us in the family will always remind ourselves on birthdays. We will call/sms each other,"Ha, today besday baba..apa plan? dah wish belom?" and things like tht.. FYI, aku ada 7 adik-beradik,6 prempuan n sorang lelaki..So kdg2 mmg akan terlupalah..Hehehe..
So..thts how important are birthdays to me.. Not only mine, but everybody's!

Last year 2009, my birthday was simply one of the happiest..Since i have Limau now, things became extraordinary..He was away offshore at tht time, so he sent me a flower+choc bouquet..

(pandai mengayat sbenarnye limau ni...see!)

and a chocolate cake..

(Matching dgn baju harituh la kek nih ;P)

My frens gave me cupcakes and orange+chocolate pudding (with slices of limau mandarin on top,sedap gile!)

Thanks Kak Sue!

Thanks Kak Saaraa for all the home-made pudding limau and cupcakes- siap bleh jamu satu office ok!!

But the celebration doesnt ends there. Bile Limau pulang beberapa minggu slps itu, haruslah celebrate dgn die kan. He took me to a nice fancy japanese restaurant @ Jln Ampang and we enjoyed one of the nicest sushi in town!

Nice ambiance.. Siap our reserved table ada rose petals lagi..

Surprised with a cake presentation and a bouquet of roses..It was the first romantic dinner i had =) Thank you syg.

Ok, actually my initial intention is to talk on Limau's birthday, but i end up sharing about my birthday pulak. Huhuhu..

Recently, on 24 January 2010, Limau turned 27th! But unfortunately, he was in Vietnam.. I still remember the first time we celebrate his birthday last year.

I bought him an Olympus digital camera, i actually bought the same thing for myself.. Hehehe.. Checkout my posting in 2008 about the camera>>

But not only tht, we decided to hav a trip to KK~!! Best sgt.. Good food, good scenery, good company (ash+___), interesting places (monsopiad cultural village, wild life park), good experience (shopping+seafood feast at filipino market, island hopping +snorkeling kat manukan, sapi island, makan ulat sagu yg still gerak2 etc..) Mcm2..

Takleh renggang ngn camera.. He was so excited taking pictures all the time..

Left with me taking picture of myself ..and me taking picture of him taking pictures..

At Monsopiad Cultural Village

Diba tangkap..

Limau tangkap..

So for this year, we planned to go to Bandung on his birthday. We've bought the flight tickets already..But because of duty, he missed it. Now, he's still in vietnam..Nearly 2 months dah kot.. Btw, I went to Bandung with his mom and his aunty..

I can imagine how isit like being on the rig, on your birthday.. Hurrmmm...

Takpe, your birthday celebration is not cancelled. Its being postponed. =)

** Still, i think gambar yg Diba tangkap is better than Limau's...Seriously.. ;P

Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 already kah..2010 already lah...

OMG... its 2010 already.. and my promise (to myself ) to update all my activities and happenings in 2009 before new year, failed! (miserably)..Hehehe.. Tak sempat ok... Bz with sooo many things~!! Half year of 2009 was packed and here are some headlines on what i planned to share in my blog:

- My sister's engagement
- My engagement ;P
- My sister's wedding.. (im her wedding planner,pembuat hantaran,'kuli'kutif,volunteer,tukang decide n much more)
- My w..oopss.. blom lagi..hihihi..
- Shape run (limau cicir..)
- Training and Island Peak, Nepal expedition (unbelieveble to summit the peak @ 6200m mountain!!)
- Fitness test @ BNM (i won rm250 Nike voucher)

- Trip to Sungai Tekala with Limau's office mates
- I bought a house~!

- Berbuka puasa sessions..Muhibbah TTDI,,Wong Solo, Eden, RedBox?,Curve etc..
-Raya =)
- My boyfriend's bestfriend wedding.. (iba+eli)

- My bestfriend's wedding.. (Meeda+Sazali)
- My bestfriend's wedding lagi (Fiza+Aris)

- Shopping marathon @ Pavillion (can u imagine, we shop @ Pavillion selama 5 hari dlm seminggu tu, crazy..
- New year celebration (home alone..nope, home and lonely - Sebab Limau outstation n tak balik2 smpai skrg ..Middle of Feb kot dia baru balik.. Sigh!)

And for this January 2010, dah start bz balik... with so many things.. Minggu lps pegi Chocolate Fair @ Midvalley.. Weekend bebaru nih i climbed Bukit Tabur, kat Melawati tu..Join Meon & his officemates (they are planning to go to G. Tahan this March).. Here are some of the pictures..

**I know Limau..Shut up, i know what u r going to say..



Dgn bdk2 UIA - bodek sbb nak potong que (nk turun cliff guna tali..)

Geng Meon
KL view
**I know.. I admit muka i mcm belon skrg..

Nice scenery

@ the peak
**Haa~!! Gmbr ni peha i tak nmpk gemuk sgt kan..hahahaha

The sweetest

I've crossed this path before..dgn sape ek..